University of Massachusetts
My connection to the University of Massachusetts began while I still attending the Harvard Graduate School of Education in 2003. I was hired by the Instructional Technology Design department to teach my first hybrid course (see my Course Catalogue for more details.) From 2004 - 2007 I worked full time as the project manager for the Superintendents Academy, I continue to serve as an online consultant for Sherry Penny at the Center for Collaborative Leadership and I teach both face-to-face and online.
Part of my success at the university was in writing grants. I was successful with my initial DOE Technology Enhancement Competitive Grant (170-B) for the Superintendents Academy. I also wrote a proposal for Project VISIT (Video Insights into Standards In Teaching Success) but the project was not funded. In late 2008 I prepared an application for a Microsoft Corporation – US Partners in Learning, Massachusetts PiL – Education and Innovation Grant. I tried to form a partnership between the Massachusetts Department of Education and the University of Massachusetts President’s Office/CITI (Commonwealth Information Technology Initiative) but competing goals and feeding pet projects watered down the proposal so much that it was not funded.
Grant Applications
Special Recognition
In 2007 the Superintendents Academy was recognized by the University Continuing Education Association UCEA New England for Innovative and Creative Programming (Non Credit Programs). This award honors the individual and institution demonstrating innovative and creative programming which contribute to the success of Continuing Education and/or community education programs.