
Webkelley.com is my lifetime reduced to words, images, videos, and songs. My love for learning, nature and music make me who I am and hopefully provides the opportunity to contribute to the world in a positive way.


I am an educator, TV producer, band leader and advocate. If there is a common thread it seems that I have a lot to say and I feel the need to take charge. It's not how I view myself but I guess the facts don't lie.
  • Adjunct Professor, University of Massachusetts
  • Online Researcher, Instructional Designer, Trainer
  • TV Producer / Director / Editor / Writer
  • Musician


My journey through this life has been fueled by curiosity. I owe a huge debt to the educators, books, and songs that have filled this empty vessal.
  • Harvard Graduate School of Education
  • California State University of Long Beach
  • Springfield Technical Community College
  • Salem State College
  • Technical High School