Week Six: Final Projects

Final Touches to Your Project

You have already completed a draft of your lesson and uploaded to it MassONE.
You have read two other students’ draft lessons and provided comments.
You should now have at least two comments that have been made to your posted project.

Read these comments and think about if they help make your lesson:

- More motivating
- Better connected to the standards
- More logical – use a better sequence of activities
- Use a better range of supports to meet the diversity of the students
- Make better use of technologies and other resources

If appropriate, incorporate some of these suggestions into your final lesson design.
Before the end of week 7, you will be asked to upload your final project document into the final projects folder.

Please use the following file naming convention if you are using Microsoft Word (preferred):

first initial last name_lesson2.doc

So my lesson file name would be:


otherwise save as a text file:

first initial last name_lesson2.txt

So my lesson file name would be:


Note: this file name is different than your first uploaded draft project.