Leadership for the 21st Century: Teaching, Learning, and Technology

Weeks Two and Three: 21st Century Skills for Students

1.1 Read and Reflect

Millions have been spent in MA schools to provide technology tools, infrastructure, and professional development opportunities for teachers. Yet, we're not there yet. This week's activities focus on two broad questions:


1. What does there look like?
The MA Educational Technology Advisory Council developed the School Technology and Readiness Chart, modeled after the STaR chart in Texas. It was meant to set a standard for MA schools. As you review the MA STaR Chart, be mindful of where your school stands in each of the areas. Visit the D.O.E. site and download the PDF.

2. How do we get there?
What are the conditions that need to be attended to in order to provide our students with the tools, the teachers, and the learning opportunities that lead to mastery of 21st Century skills? For this question, we turn to NCREL and the enGauge Framework. The site helps you to better understand that, while each school is likely doing some things well, if more than one of the six conditions are not attended to, it will be difficult to reach the Advanced Tech levels in STaR. Please note that the site will take a while to get through. It has videos, lots of examples, and great descriptions of each condition. A rich, rich resource! To begin your exploration, visit the enGauge website and click Framework.