Leadership for the 21st Century: Teaching, Learning, and Technology

Week One: Journey North Mystery Class


The Journey North is an inquiry-oriented set of activities that place students in the position to ask great questions, develop possible answers, and build new relationships, while studying the migratory pattern of different species. These standards-based lessons represent good models of teaching with technology. To learn more about the Journey North, go to http://www.learner.org/jnorth/.

During this activity, your task will be to take on the role of a student participating in one of the Journey North lessons: The Mystery Class. You will experience a model lesson and explore ways in which technology resources can enhance student learning.

Picture this:
Somewhere in the world, a group of students have been identified as one of ten "Mystery Classes." Over the next several months, they will feed your team scientific data and clues and your task will be to pinpoint their location. Data and clues alone won't be enough to solve the puzzle. Your team will need to work together to analyze information, create patterns and make predictions. In the end, your team will submit a theory on the location of your mystery class and the evidence and methods you used to uncover the mystery. Good Luck!

To accomplish your goal, you will need to strengthen your understanding of how the daily amount of sunlight (photoperiod) depends both on your location and time of year. While investing the cultural, geographical, and demographic clues delivered by the students living in the Mystery Class location, you will also sharpen your Web research skills. Gather the following materials and begin your quest to find a Mystery Class.

Materials needed:
* Mystery Class Data Sheets (printed copies provided by instructor)
* Mystery Class Graph Worksheet
(printed copies provided by instructor)
* Atlas
* Globe

Task #1 Task #2 Task #3
Task #4 Task #5 Resources

Note: The Journey North activities have been adapted for this leadership course and were originally developed for use by the Massachusetts Technology Leadership Consortium by MESPA and the EDC Center for Online Professional Education. They are used with permission from MESPA and EDC.